Who We Are

Monitoring & Evaluation

Evaluation is used to learn about and improve organizations and to demonstrate outcomes and impacts. We have training and experience in various evaluation tools, methods, and approaches.

Staff Engagement

Your staff are your most valuable asset. Avens will help you meaningfully engage your staff and leverage their insights to optimize your organization. From pulse surveys to deep dive focus groups, we are here to help you deliver timely and actionable results.

International Development

International Development presents unique challenges and opportunities with respect to monitoring, evaluation, and capacity building. Louise Bahry has conducted on-the-ground work from Pakistan to Liberia to Kyrgyzstan.

years grad school
takeout dinners
data graphs
cups of coffee

Dr. Dorothy Pinto

I believe evaluation is key to helping organizations learn and adapt to their ever-changing environments. Applying my graduate training in evaluation design, methods, and theory, I work collaboratively with clients to help them better understand what they do and how to do it even better. I take pride in finding creative ways to make data accessible and engaging because when clients understand their data, they can put into action.

  • Staff engagement
  • Organizational communication and learning
  • Data visualization

Dr. Louise Bahry

A self-described pracademic (practical academic), I apply my training and experience to provide organizations with high quality work grounded in evidence and context. I believe the most important part of our work together is ensuring your ownership of the work and results, and building capacity wherever I can along the way. I love to teach others to embrace data and see all that it has to offer to them. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for everyone. Your context is individualized, and I view my role with you as a facilitator, helping your organization and stakeholders do what you do better, as it suits your needs.

  • Program Evaluation
  • Scale/Survey Development
  • Research Methods
  • Quantitative Statistics
  • Modeling, Qualitative Methods

Who We Are

We are experts

We have the training and expertise to find the answers you need.

We like data…A LOT

Our PhDs in measurement, evaluation, and assessment officially make us data nerds. We have a soft spot for statistics jokes – but we wouldn’t say it’s a significant problem!

We are collaborative

You are the experts in what you do. We work closely with you to understand your needs and get you results that you can put into action.

Survey Design
Analysis (Qual & Quant)
Data Viz & Reporting

Who We Work With

Emerge Solutions


Emerge Solutions brings people together in creative and highly productive ways to achieve results. We know that innovative solutions emerge out of authentic connections. We work with our clients to identify their needs and design processes to engage people in meaningful ways to deliver on projects and plans. We create and facilitate internal and external engagement processes that result in evidence-informed and well-supported plans, policies, procedures, frameworks and strategies. We are also committed to building organizational capacity through the delivery of training opportunities. To learn more about us and our work please visit emergesolutions.ca.

Dr. Ulemu Luhanga

Dr. Jeff Brassard